Robert Northam


Robert Northam

Robert Northam

Thriller, Supernatural Suspense, Paranormal Romance, Humor, Horror

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  • Member Since

    Nov 2022

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    United States

  • Born

    12 November

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Greetings! So how, you might ask, does a retired executive in corporate finance become a two-time published vampire author? Hmmm. Beats me. But during my corporate career, I always had the writing bug but never had the time to make it happen. And, I've always loved vampires. (Not literally of course.) So, upon retirement, I put the two together - my finance experience and my vampire kick. Hence my first book about a nerdy financial analyst (It's not me, I swear!) who meets the woman of his dreams only to find out there's something amiss. Something big! My Girlfriend the Vampire is a paranormal humorous romantic horror thriller. How's that for loading up the adjectives? Ditto, my second book Lyria. If you have the chance to read either or both and leave an Amazon review, I'd be eternally grateful! (Get it? Vampires - Eternal) Thanks!

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